200 years ago, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire there was only one address for luxury watches: Carl Suchy & Söhne. The watchmaker and accredited purveyor to the court stood for perfect quality, precision, and timeless elegance.
Aristocrats, artists, industrials, and even Emperor of Austria, Franz Joseph I, were amongst his customers. Now, we are celebrating the comeback of this exclusive brand.
Carl Suchy, born in Prague in 1796, soon takes a life-changing decision: he becomes a watch- making apprentice. After seven wandering years in Germany, Suchy returns to Prague and opens a clock manufacturer in 1822. His goal, associating his passion for precision and design with his name, is achieved with the help of his four sons. With their entry into the business, Carl Suchy & Söhne soon becomes the most important watchmaker of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
The oldest son Carl Suchy Junior establishes a pocket watch factory in the Swiss Watch Valley “La Chaux-de-Fonds,” while his younger brother Hans opens a store in the historical center of Vienna.
Suchy watches are desired objects across Austria’s borders, delight visitors and the press at world fairs such as Paris, and are essential accessories at the royal courts, aristocratic estates, and the salons of Austria’s intellectual elite. Carl Suchy & Söhne is firmly positioned as Austria’s leading watchmaker before an involuntary creative break that started around 1914.
In 2016 Carl Suchy & Söhne is reestablished – the only luxury watch brand that combines Viennese elegance and Swiss precision.