
Beat Haldimann

Beat Haldimann is the representative of a long line of Swiss watchmakers, producing original timepieces since 1642. Beat Haldimann was born in the Swiss city of Bern and became interested in watchmaking in his youth. He got a job as an apprentice watchmaker in a local workshop where he repaired and restored old clocks, studying their movements along the way. He then studied watchmaking in college. After receiving an education, Haldiman decided to open his own business. 

In 1991 he founded his workshop called Haldimann Watch. Today Beat Haldimann lives and works in the 1907 Villa Nussbühl in the Swiss town of Thun. His workshop is engaged in developing and producing exclusive watches. You will find only traditional tools in his workshop, with not a single CNC machine in sight. 

He creates wristwatches that look nothing like traditional watches, combining custom design with the watchmaker's most beloved complication – the flying tourbillon.

Haldimann's goal was to create exclusive watches that would attract everyone's attention not only because of their original movement but also because of their unique appearance. That is why he creates wristwatches that look nothing like traditional watches, combining custom design with the watchmaker's most beloved complication – the flying tourbillon.

In 2000 Haldimann patented his detached escapement for a pendulum clock that delivers the precision of one-tenth of a second a day and joined the Académie Horlogère des Créateurs Indépendants (AHCI) a year after.

Haldimann won international acclaim in 2002 for his H1 Flying Lyra watch whose central flying tourbillon revolves in a lyre-shaped cage. It was followed in 2005 by the H2 Flying Resonance and its two flying tourbillons with remontoir d’égalité that synchronize via resonance, again on the dial side. And his extravagant H8 Sculptura central tourbillon has no hands or indications of time whatsoever. The black dial is dominated only by a flying tourbillon, located in the center like a big star in the night sky.

As a result of his creative watchmaking vision Beat Haldimann won the Gaïa Prize in the Craftsmanship-Creation category. It's worth noting that the Gaia Prize was established in 1933 by the International Museum of Horology and it is awarded to the most outstanding watchmakers who have made a significant contribution to the development of the modern watch industry. Also, the Gaia Prize is considered the watchmaking equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

Design, assembly, and production of all Haldimann watches are carried out in our workshop. Each Haldimann timepiece has a hand-engraved serial number.

Beat Haldimann


Address: Riedstrasse 2, CH-3600 Thun, Switzerland
Phone: +41 33 223 30 82